Set or Reset Password

Change Password

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "My Account" → "Change password and MFA"
  3. Login into your account
  4. Type in the new password and confirm it by retyping it
  5. Click on Submit

Reset Password

If you don't know your password (forgotten it or you never  used one before)

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "My Account" → "Change password and MFA"
  3. Click on "Forgot your password?"
  4. Input you CUE email address or personal email on record
  5. Input your Date of Birth
  6. Click on "Email me a reset link"
  7. If prompted provide MFA authentication
  8. Go to your personal email and open the password reset email.
  9. Click on the link
  10. Type your new password and confirm it by reentering it.
  11. Click on Submit